Entrepreneur Loan
Who can avail Entrepreneur Loan and what are the requirements?
- Any regular coop member can avail a loan based on Credit Track Record with feasibility study/business proposal.
- Loanable Amount - Not more than 50% of the collateral amount
- Interest Rate - 1.25% Per Month
- Term of Loan - 3-5 years (960 days - 1800 days)
- To acquire the loan, any of the following is required:
- Land Title, Annual Tax Declaration, Realty Tax Clearance for the current year, complete electronic copy from Registry of Deed
- Absolute Deed of Sale
- original official receipt/certificate of registration (OR/CR)vehicle
- Sign Waiver of Rights if it is in the mother title
- Sign Memorandum of Agreement that the land title will be returned upon full payment
Who are qualified to become a CITERMPCO member?
- Teachers, Employees and Retirees of Department of Education, Division of Sultan Kudarat
- Comply the prescribed pre-membership education seminar
- Residing within and adjacent area of operation
What are the requirements for membership?
- Approved application for membership.
- Certificate of completion of the prescribed Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES).
- Subscribed and paid the required minimum share capital and membership fee.
- Certification of the immediate superior that he/she is employed within DepEd, Division of Sultan Kudarat.